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NAFAPA Career and Student
Opportunity Center


Canada Research Chair (Tier 1) in Physical Activity & Health in Children/Youth with Chronic Conditions

Saskatoon, SK, Canada

The College of Kinesiology at the University of Saskatchewan (USask) invites applications for a tenured Tier 1 Canada Research Chair appointment in Physical Activity, Health, and Wellness in Children and Youth with Chronic Conditions.


Position Overview

The candidate for the Tier 1 CRC must be an outstanding and innovative world-class researcher recognized internationally as a leader whose accomplishments have made a major impact in the field of physical activity and health in children and youth with chronic conditions.


Key Responsibilities:

  • Lead an innovative research program focused on developing evidence-based physical activity guidelines for children and youth with chronic conditions.

  • Collaborate with community partners, schools, parents/guardians, public health and healthcare professionals, and other groups who support children and youth with chronic conditions.

  • Disseminate research findings to transform the lives of children and youth by improving the management of chronic conditions, social integration, and overall health and well-being.


Impact: This role has the potential to significantly improve the lives of children and youth with chronic conditions through aiding in chronic condition management, social integration, and optimizing overall health and well-being.


For questions related to this position or the selection process, please contact: Dr. Dani Brittain, Dean of the College of Kinesiology,



Tier II Canada Research Chair (CRC) in Equity in Nutrition, Physical Activity, or Health - Department of Applied Human Sciences - Faculty of Science

Position Overview: UPEI is inviting applications for a Tier II Canada Research Chair (CRC) in Equity in Nutrition, Physical Activity, or Health, to be housed within the Department of Applied Human Sciences in the Faculty of Science. We are seeking an emerging scholar whose research program and expertise broadly relates to equity in one of the following areas: food, nutrition, physical activity, sport, or health.  The successful candidate will contribute to and expand the scope of the research and teaching excellence in one or more areas described above. The successful applicant would join a community of scholars who are dedicated to exploring the relationships between sport, physical activity, nutrition and health.


UPEI seeks a candidate who demonstrates:

  • capacity to undertake research in an area of scholarship that involves ongoing active involvement with relevant communities, organizations, and/or institutions. UPEI and the CRC program recognize and reward the scholarship of teaching, professional service, community service, outreach, mentoring and research training, and recognize the importance and relevance of non-traditional areas of research and/or research outputs;

  • ability to obtain research funding and successfully implement research projects;

  • potential to contribute to teaching at the undergraduate or graduate levels.


Nominees must:

  • Be excellent emerging world-class researchers who have demonstrated research creativity;

  • Have demonstrated the potential to achieve international recognition in their fields in the next five to ten years;

  • As chairholders, have the potential to attract, develop and retain excellent trainees, students and future researchers;

  • Be proposing an original, innovative research program of high quality.


Application packages should include a letter of intent, a research and teaching dossier including an updated curriculum vitae, a statement of research achievements and future objectives, an overview of how EDIDA are integrated into the applicant’s research design and practices, and the names and contact of at least three referees. Applications must be sent as one PDF file to the UPEI Office of Research Services, attention Maria Steele ( ).​​




If you would like to advertise your job openings with NAFAPA, please contact NAFAPA president, Dr. Meghann Lloyd (

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